Effective Date: 01/01/2025
At VTMerch.com, we are proud to offer international shipping to our customers worldwide. Please review the following policy to understand how we handle international orders, shipping rates, delivery times, and customs regulations.
1. Shipping Destinations
We currently ship to most international destinations. However, there may be certain countries or regions where shipping is restricted due to local regulations. If we are unable to ship to your country, you will be notified during checkout.
2. Shipping Rates & Delivery
Time Shipping rates are calculated at checkout based on the destination, shipping method, and package weight. Estimated delivery times vary by location and shipping method selected:
· Standard International Shipping: Estimated delivery time of 7-21 business days.
· Express International Shipping: Estimated delivery time of 3-7 business days.
Please note that delivery times may be affected by customs processing, local postal services, and unforeseen delays beyond our control.
3. Customs, Duties & Taxes
International orders may be subject to customs duties, taxes, and other fees imposed by the destination country. These charges are the responsibility of the recipient and are not included in the order total or shipping cost. VTMerch.com is not responsible for delays due to customs processing.
4. Order Tracking
All international orders come with a tracking number, which will be provided via email once your order has shipped. Tracking updates depend on the shipping carrier and the destination country’s postal service.
5. Lost or Delayed Packages
While we strive to ensure timely deliveries, VTMerch.com is not responsible for lost or delayed packages due to international shipping carriers or customs holds. If your order has not arrived within the estimated timeframe, please contact our customer support team for assistance.
6. Returns & Exchanges
At this time, we do not accept international returns or exchanges due to the high cost of return shipping. Please ensure that you review your order carefully before completing your purchase.
7. Contact Us
For any questions regarding our international shipping policy, please reach out to our customer service team at https://vtmerch.com/pages/contact